Book page painting 97/100 (2017)

Book page painting 97/100 (2017)

from $250.00
  • original painting

  • watercolor, ink, gouache, collage with washi paper

  • 11" × 9"

  • 11" × 14" framed

  • signed

  • all framed originals are shipped in a box, carefully protected with bubble wrap and foam peanuts to ensure safe arrival. Once placed, orders will be shipped the following week

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'Whale' book page painting #12/2018

'Whale' book page painting #12/2018

from $250.00
'Tranquil' book page painting #2/2018
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'Tranquil' book page painting #2/2018

from $175.00
'I feel so warm after meeting you for the first time' book page painting #29
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'I feel so warm after meeting you for the first time' book page painting #29

from $180.00
'Swim Under the Moon' book page painting #26 (2016)

'Swim Under the Moon' book page painting #26 (2016)

from $185.00
book-page-owl-painting-eve-devore-4-100-2.jpg book-page-owl-painting-eve-devore-4-100-1.jpg

'Together' 4/100 (2018) Book page painting

from $175.00