#the 100 days of owl feelings

I think I can trace the birth of this project to a cool and sunny NY morning as I was casually passing by the Strand book store after a yoga class. The dozen or so used book stands outside the store are almost a permanent fixture there, but on that day for some reason one particular book had caught my attention. Seeing it lay there all dusty and abandoned, I decided to rescue this forgotten treasure, and ended up buying a 147 year-old "Biographical Dictionary of Judges of England" (1870). Around the same time, I was looking for an idea for my hundred-day project, and had decided right there and then to give this forgotten collection of pages a new and colorful life.
I decided that the concept of this project would follow and transform my daily moods and feelings into owls. One page per day, I give myself permission to be curious and undaunted to explore new mediums and shapes, all while trying to stay honest to my art without the pressures of perfection. Whether its in a crowded subway car, on a worn-out coffee shop table, by the ocean or on the loud historic streets of New Orleans, the pages of my old book come alive once more, reborn into this world as miniature canvases for my troop of owl personalities. Like in a diary, they truly are bits and pieces of my everyday moments, and often a reflection of my most sacred inner-self. And when my pages fly away to other parts of the world to find a new home, I often find solace in knowing that with a little help from my owls, this once-forgotten old book couldn't hope for a better future.