'Sakura Blow' book page painting #62

'Sakura Blow' book page painting #62

from $175.00
  • original painting
  • watercolor, ink
  • 5.5" × 9"
  • 8" × 10" framed
  • signed
  • all framed originals are shipped in a box, carefully protected with bubble wrap and foam peanuts to ensure safe arrival. Once placed, orders will be shipped the following week
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This painting belongs to the #the100daysofowlfeelings project I started in 2016 after I stumbled upon an old book at Strand Book Store. At first I started using it for my 100 Fay Project, but over the time 149 year-old "Biographical Dictionary of Judges of England" (1870) became by diary, a keeper of the moments I lived and dreamed of, turned into everyday paintings. One page per day, I give myself permission to be curious and undaunted to explore new mediums and shapes, all while trying to stay honest to my art without the pressures of perfection. I never reproduce those pages as prints to preserve their uniqueness. I like to see how those pages find new homes, fly around the world with their new owners.

book-page-painting-eve-devore-2.jpg trying-to-repeat0my-success-book-page-eve-devore-2.jpg

'Trying to repeat my success' book page painting 41/100 (2018)

from $225.00
'I'm your wildflower' Book page painting 18/100 i-am-your-wildflower-book-page-eve-devore.jpg

'I'm your wildflower' Book page painting 18/100

from $175.00
'The night is full of stars' book page painting 28/100 (2019) the-night-is-full-of-stars-book-page-eve-devore-2.jpg

'The night is full of stars' book page painting 28/100 (2019)

from $175.00
'Grew into You' book page painting #81
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'Grew into You' book page painting #81

from $250.00
summer-wave-book-page-painting-eve-devore.jpg summer-wave-book-page-painting-8-100-eve-devore-2.jpg

'Summer Wave' book page painting 8/100 (2018)

from $185.00